
2015 m. spalio 1 d., ketvirtadienis


I dont really write in the morning... Or read, or eat, or do anything else but sleep. Well, today is the day that lets inspiration flow.
How often does it happen that we feel happy over the silly things that we usually forget after a spilled coffee. Quite often. I would say all the time.
I really admire my friend D. She remembers every small funny and dramatic thing that happened to her (or us together for that matter) since probably her birth. Memory is a great gift. It is something that lets you go through the things that stayed behind. Lately natural memories been replaced with short videos, selfies and other stuff that crowns our youth and everyday life. Unfortunatelly it is getting harder and harder to realise which one of the events in the pictures are real. It all evolved to an acted drama of surreal reality. Short REAL life videos are probably the only reason why I say yes to modern technology. Me myself and I has a very bad memory. I can remember the image of the event or a place but I would not be able to tell why and how the actual events have happened.
Thats why I started writing again. I hope it will go back to being a hobby that once already changed my life and turned me into 100% happy person.
Writing the book of your thougts may sound a bit chialdish,but to be honest,it actually helps to learn from your past. It helps to see the starting point. And then it grows into a memory,and then after a year shows how far you are from there where you started. So thumbs up for writing,painting,reading and other artistical brain activity that helps us to stay who we are,not what society wants us to be. Thumbs up for youth and creation. Thumbs up for exploring and learning. As long as we keep it real and dont have to lie ourselves about the emotions we are going through right now, creation is something worth loving and living.
Enjoy your Mc'Donals mister Jair. Whos gonna take care of you after im leaving Wagamama? Huh? :) x

2015 m. rugsėjo 28 d., pirmadienis

No road too long.

One thing for sure. Ur not gonna go far if ull stay in bed forever.
I always knew that the World is a big place,but just only recently finally managed to put it in my head that the time for traveling and exploring is now,not just next year or "maybe some day",as we usually say for almost everyone and for anything.
Sounds funny, but one of the biggest "kick ass" was "Sex and the City". An old TV series that ive seen once long time ago and now watching with a new sense of understanding. Bloody hell, that comedy really represents what friendship,relationship and adventures actually means in our world. The best thing about it is, that actors in that series does have problems. Real ones,not just broken nails and perfect make up fails like mostly in modern life movies. In the end of the day, comedy is how we could call our real lives. Damn, if most of us istead of complaining over a broken car could just call a friend and say, dude im somewhere close to the end of the world waiting for u to bring me whiskey and give me a ride home, world would be a better place to live in. And there would be more exciting things to remember...
I may not be an early bird for the last 5 years of my life but the least I can do is enjoy the nights and afternoons with a rocking music and a big smile splashing the colours on the empty canvas. Canvas is another definition for life. Im never 100% happy with my paintings,but one thing for sure- I am proud, couse I create, and do mistakes I know I will try to escape next time. U live and learn. And bit by bit mixing the colors of life ,u create something whats only saint for you and the closest people around you. You create the painting worth millions. Not money wise. Its just a million of memories put together enjoying what every day brings.
Carpe diem.
There is no road too long to reach your goals.
Good luck x.

2015 m. liepos 13 d., pirmadienis

Breathe in rain

If if if
U put it as a ryme

its like it never happened.

U close yours eyes
And make a choice like

Would make u feel happy

As u had four legs
And no force of life
To be lived and ....

Then choice of
To be killed.

Couse u know
There is always a thrill
Eating u to
Forget and forgive

And then one more time
Kill me and kill
Till i have no way...
 Just to feel...
That you have to
And stay still

I go back to the night i cant kill
One more time
And I almost forgive

Say goodbye to the rain that can chill
Couse I wish U will never stay still

2015 m. birželio 16 d., antradienis

I didn't know where to go until....

...I reached a crossroad.
Then I realised that I could go basically anywhere my feet would take me.

One and a half year I spent in a small box, trying to think outside of it, till finally the box locked my body inside without any light coming through the windows. One good thing about it is, that I didn't let my thoughts to be locked as well. It was an experiment, that let me learn how to live with a small amount of money,small amount of people around me and helped me to gain self confidence of living on my own. It was an interesting period of my life , but I guess it always comes a time to move on and explore "new waters".

Today was a day when I went for a walk. Just like that. Got out of my bed and walked for about an hour just around the area realising how many things I never noticed when I was rushing to the bus,going to the shop or anywhere else,just because every single journey of my life so far had a destination I was always seeking or thinking that things just has to be this way.

The problem is, that in the end, most of us are never sure of what the final destination (not talking about the movie) we see in the end of our road. Trying is the best way to win the race of life. And even if you cannot fulfill all of your goals,even if you don't know what they are, trying to figure it out makes a difference. It gives you a possibility to walk there where no one else managed to go.

As long as you see things around you, and you feel that it is a right thing to do - go for it.
Just don't forget,that the journey may be even better than the place you are planning to visit. Enjoy it, otherwise there is no point to run for the prize.

Erika 16/06/2015

2015 m. vasario 2 d., pirmadienis

Nothing is nothing (and the way around).

Everything started with a glass of Chardonnay ...

It's not about ME. (Just in case.) Because ME is the most  important these days.

It's just against the everyday modern life.

I met J. when both of us been working in the same  big company almost four years ago. At that time I didn't know that it's going to grow in such a great friendship. And jeah, it started with a glass of Chardonnay.

I may be a freak to you,but doesn't it make you a freak to me?

We love art. J. loves classical music but I'm more like a Rock n Roll and visual art type of girl. Both of use has kind of a similar thinking about major things,but we are making completely different choices in life. She is a strongly focused girl looking for studies in business area, and I just took one year part time holiday from 7 days a week modern slavery life.

Always had that feeling... That something is not right with the world,and i guess that now is the time to slowly explain to you what's going wrong.

As an artist myself im floating in between yes and no. Between good and bad,right and wrong,black and white... It took me a while to make a choice if I want to see things I was trying to be blind for so many years. J. told me that these past year was a good choice for me couse I changed a lot and i actually proved so much to myself, witch is true.This blog is gonna grow into reality of money,living,pollution,education and last but not the least - religion, I'm ready for a move and I have no clue how its gonna end. That's what makes it so exciting.
